AVIAHELP GROUP JSC privacy policy

1. General Provisions.

1.1. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Policy’) shall be valid for all personal data, which AVIAHELP GROUP JSC, TIN 7733625292 (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Company’) may receive from the user (a person who filled in a feedback form using other services of official websites www.aviahelp.ru, авиахэлп.рф, (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Website and/or Websites’)), in particular when sending feedback or questions, ordering services, participating in advertising and/or marketing campaigns or promotions and/or other interactions (hereinafter referred to as the ‘Services’).

1.2. Filling in the feedback form and clicking the button ‘I agree to’ located on the Website page on which the feedback form is placed, as well as indicating his/her personal data when using other Website services, the user agrees with this Policy and conditions of processing and transmission of his/her personal data specified therein. The User’s consent to provision, processing and transmission of his/her Personal Data to the Company in compliance with the Policy is complete and unconditional.

1.3. The Website users shall refrain from filling in the form and/or usage of other Website services in case of any disagreement (either full or partial) with the Policy, as well as disagreement to provide the personal data.

1.4. The consent given by the user includes a consent to collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, modification), use, entering into databases (including electronic ones) of the Company, transferring to other departments and units inside the Company or to a service provider, which undertakes to comply with the terms of the personal data protection contract for the purposes of distribution of information materials and/or for advertising purposes (including sending invitations to the events held/arranged by the Company), cross-border transfer, blocking, depersonalization, destruction of personal data.

1.5. The consent given by the user extends to the following personal data: surname, name, patronymic, e-mail, position, name of the company, in which the user works, a contact phone number.

1.6. The term of the user’s consent is unlimited, however, the user may withdraw this consent at any time by sending a written notification to the e-mail: info@aviahelp.ru, with the note ‘withdrawal of consent to personal data processing’.


2. Users’ personal data received and processed by the Company.

2.1. For the purpose of this Policy, the user’s personal data means the personal details, which the user on his/her own initiative provides about himself/herself when filling in the feedback form at the Website, when using other Website services, upon registration (creating an account) at the Website or in the course of use of the services provided by the Company. The appropriate information has been obviously indicated and specifically refers to a surname, name, patronymic, e-mail, position, name of the company, in which the user works, a contact phone number. The other information is to be provided by the user at his/her discretion.

2.2. The company assumes that the user represents reliable personal data, and that the user is entitled to provide personal data.



3. 1C Bitrix

3.1. The company uses the 1C Bitrix solution to collect information about the use of the Website, such as frequency of visiting the Website by users, the visited pages and websites that users visited before they moved to this Website. 1C Bitrix collects only the IP addresses assigned to the user on the day of visiting the Website, but not the name or other identifying information.

3.2. 1C Bitrix places a persistent cookie in the user’s web browser for identification as a unique user for the next time when the Website is visited. This cookie can not be used by anyone other than 1C Bitrix. The information collected using the cookie will be stored on servers located in the Russian Federation.

3.3. The company uses the information obtained through 1C Bitrix, only for processing and storing personal data.


4. Objectives of users’ personal data processing.

4.1. The company processes only those personal data that are necessary to provide the services.

4.2. The user’s personal data may be used by the Company for the following purposes:

4.2.1. Identification of the party as part of the service.

4.2.2. Distribution of advertising and/or marketing materials of the Company, distribution of invitations to events, conferences, exhibitions, held and/or arranged by the Company, telemarketing campaigns.

4.2.3. Statistical and other studies based on depersonalized data.


5. Transfer of the user’s personal data to the third parties.

5.1. With respect to the user’s personal data, its confidentiality is kept, except for the cases of personal data processing, to which an access by an unlimited number of persons is provided by the user or at his/her request.

5.2. The Company may transfer the user’s personal data to third parties in the following cases:

5.2.1. The user has given his/her consent to such actions.

5.2.2. Transfer of personal data to organizations that provide services to the Company for the distribution of promotional and/or marketing materials, arrangement and conduct of events, conferences, exhibitions, telemarketing, calling around of the Company’s potential customers.

5.2.3. The transfer is required to achieve the objectives, implementation and performance of the functions, powers and responsibilities imposed on the Company by the laws of the Russian Federation.


6. Measures used to protect users’ personal data.

The Company shall take necessary and sufficient organizational and technical measures to protect the users’ personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions with personal data of third parties.


7. User’s rights and obligations.

7.1. The Company shall undertake reasonable measures to maintain the accuracy and relevance of the personal data provided to the Company, as well as removal of obsolete and other unreliable or superfluous personal data, however, the User is responsible for providing reliable information, as well as for updating the data provided in case of any changes.

7.2. The user may at any time change (update, supplement, block, destroy) the personal data provided by him/her or part thereof, as well as parameters of its confidentiality by contacting the Company.

7.3. The user may at any time withdraw his/her consent to process the personal data by the Company by sending a written notice to the e-mail: info @ aviahelp.ru with the note ‘withdrawal of consent to personal data processing’, and the user’s withdrawal of the consent to personal data processing entails deletion of the user’s account from the Website and the Company’s databases, as well as destruction of the records containing personal data in the Company’s personal data processing systems.

7.4. The user shall be entitled to receive the information related to processing of his/her personal data by the Company.




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Russia Russia, 125430, Moscow, 16, Mitinskaya st., 1110B +7 (495) 22-178-22 (ext 611) info@aviahelp.com Moscow warehouse and repair station Klyazma district, 1B Sheremetyevo Business park Khimki, Moscow region +7 (495) 22-178-22 (ext 414) Quality department: quality@aviahelp.com Press: press@aviahelp.com
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